Tournament Result – Tuesday 5th July – Y5/6 Rounders
On Tuesday afternoon, some of our year 5 children traveled to Trinity Secondary School to compete in the annual Rounders tournament. We were joined by five other primaries, playing all schools over the course of the afternoon (in a round robin format).
In our first match we just managed to beat St Mary's Hyson Green, followed by comprehensive wins against Southglade and St Teresa's. Due to an error with the scoring, we lost our next match (against Blue Bell Hill) even though we actually beat our opposition!
In our final match we were defeated by a quality Southwark team, whose team was made up entirely of Year 6s.
As the teams gathered back together, we discovered we'd finished in third place (beating St Mary's Hyson Green to the bronze medals on rounders scored!).
A huge well done to all our children, especially given the fact that most of the opposition were a year older than them; they'd had limited training for the tournament; and they were victim of a fairly major officiating error.
The Y5 Rounders team consisted of: Millie G, Natasha C, Urooj F, Fiza K, Inayaa I, Mason N, Troy B, Alfie G, Castel B and Harvinder D.