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Relationships, Health and Sex Education

What did the consultation process involve?


Before Relationships, Health and Sex Education (RHSE) was taught at Whitemoor, the following activities were undertaken:


  • Whole-staff training delivered
  • Consultation survey sent out
  • Explanation videos shared with parents/carers
  • RHSE email account set up to provide opportunity to ask year group specific questions
  • Parents/carers of Y6 children informed how can opt out of relevant sex education lessons (scroll down for more information about this)


Please note that whereas Sex Education is not compulsory (as this can be opted out of where it is taught: Year 6), we legally have to teach Relationships Education.


What is in the curriculum?


From September 2020, Relationships and Health Education (RHE) has been a statutory subject. It forms part of the Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHEE) curriculum and will be taught to all year groups. It covers the following:


  • Relationships Education: building positive and healthy relationships with friends and family members, respect for others, online relationships, positive emotional and mental wellbeing and staying safe

  • Health Education: teaching the characteristics of good physical health and mental wellbeing. This includes content on puberty and adolesence; such lessons will be taught in an age-appropriate manner. 


At Whitemoor, we believe in providing our pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum, which includes comprehensive RHE learning. From EYFS to Year 6, lessons are taught using the SCARF scheme of work. This scheme is designed to reflect statutory guidance for delivery of RHE in primary schools, alongside content from the Science National Curriculum, and has been quality assured by the PSHE Association.


Below is an outline of the themes covered as part of SCARF lessons:

Our Sex Education curriculum involves Year 6 children learning about reproduction, sexuality and sexual health. It does not promote early sexual activity or any particular sexual orientation. 


The Sex Education themes that will be covered in this year group are as follows:

  • Puberty and reproduction
  • Conception and pregnancy
  • Stereotypes, media and pressures online


There is no right to withdraw from Relationships Education as the Government guidance states.

Also, there are some parts of sex education which are compulsory; these are part of the National Curriculum for Science.

How can I find out more information?


All year groups offer parent/carer workshops before teaching these units, whereby an outline of the curriculum is provided, along with resources being available to view.


If you have any questions before then, please contact the school office and arrange to speak with Mrs Whelband.  
