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Procedure for late children:


  • Children in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 should arrive at school before 8:45am.


  • Any child who arrives between 8:45am and 9:15am is deemed as being late before the register has closed. 
  • You will need to sign them in the electronic system at the school office. A reason for their lateness will also be required.
  • The office staff will mark their name with a L Code on the register. 38 L Codes over a 100-day period will result in a Fixed Penalty Notice being issued. 


  • Any child who arrives after 9:15am is deemed as being late after the register has closed. 
  • You will need to sign them in the electronic system at the school office. A reason for their lateness will also be required.
  • The office staff will mark their name with a U Code on the register. 10 U codes over a 10-week period will result in a Fixed Penalty Notice being issued.



Procedure if a child is absent because of serious illness:


  • On the first day of absence (and every day afterwards until they return) parents/carers should notify school by telephone: 0115 978 6351 or text: +441158240163. They should also provide the reason(s) why their child will be absent and state what the likely day of return will be.
  • If a telephone call or text message is not received, school will contact parents/carers to enquire about their child’s absence. Please provide at least two contacts in case of an emergency.



Procedure for home visits from senior members of staff:


  • If no contact can be made regarding a child’s absence, then the following will also occur:


My child has less than 80% attendance and school has not received any information regarding their absenceHome visit on Day 1
My child has between 80% and 90% attendance and school has not received any information regarding their absenceHome visit on Day 2
My child has more than 90% attendance but school has not received any information regarding their absenceHome visit on Day 3



Procedure for Penalty Notice fines for school attendance:



