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PE & Sport Premium

Since 2013, Whitemoor have benefited from the Primary PE and Sport Premium, which forms part of the government's 'Olympic Legacy' from London 2012. 


Most schools in Nottingham City (and in fact most throughout the country) use this funding to hire coaches from private companies. However, here at Whitemoor, we had a PE and School Sport (PESS) specialist teacher in post a number of years before this premium was introduced; handing us the opportunity to find new and different ways to: 'Inspire a generation' and 'Provide a legacy of inspirational PE and Sport.' 


As a member of SHINE Multi Academy Trust, we share a common goal for the PE and Sport Premium; one in which all pupils leave our school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle, with lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.


Our intention has been to target the funding on the following areas: 

  •  Increasing the confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport.
  •  Offering a broader experience of a range of sports and activities to all pupils.
  •  Engaging all pupils in regular physical activity – kick starting healthy lifestyles.
  •  Increasing participation in competitive sport.
  •  Raising the profile of PE and sport across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement.​

For a much more detailed breakdown of how the funding has been spent, and evaluations of its impact, please click on the relevant star icon above. The portfolios referred to in the evaluation documents are on display outside our school office. 


A few years ago we worked with a local filmmaker (Adam Pepper) to produce the movie 'Legacy' – a showcase of some of the outcomes from our highly effective premium spending. Below are the two sections of this video; we hope you enjoy watching them.




Winning Nottingham City's award for the 'Most Physically Active School' and being shortlisted for Nottinghamshire's 'Sporting School of the Year' award has encouraged us to continue to strive for outstanding PE and sport experiences for all children – evidenced by Whitemoor becoming the first educational setting in Nottingham to be awarded the Gold School Games Mark (2013).


Further proof of our lofty ambitions was provided when we became the first of Nottinghamshire’s many primary, secondary and special schools to receive the Association for PE 'Quality Mark' at distinction level (2015).


Since then, Whitemoor gained the Gold School Games Mark a further five times (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022); have been awarded the prestigious Plantinum School Games Mark (2023); as well as being the only school in the City to currently hold the Youth Sport Trust's Gold Quality Mark three times (2018, 2020 and 2023). 


By continuing to use the PE and Sport Premium in carefully targeted and creative ways - we are confident our successes will reach even greater heights in future years! 





