Freqently Asked Questions
Question: How can I contact the school?
Contact details for phone, text and email can be found by clicking here.
One of our three office staff; Rowena White, Rosie Stapleton or Brooke Marsay; will be happy to help with any enquiries which you may have.
Question: How do I report an absence?
On the first day of absence, parents/carers should notify school by phone: 0115 978 6351 or text: +441158240163. More information about our absence procedures can be found by clicking here.
Question: Where can I find the dates of the school holidays?
An overview of Whitemoor's holiday patterns for the next four years can be found by clicking here.
Question: How can I find out what my child is learning?
Your child's class teacher will be able to give you information about our curriculum. We also have overviews of what we are teaching which you can access by clicking here. We also send out half termly curriculum newsletters which tell parents about what we will be teaching the next half term, reminders about homework and unifrom and key dates - including trips.
Question: What time does school start and finish?
School starts from 8.35am and doors are closed by 8:45am. School finishes from 3.15pm and doors are closed by 3:25pm. All other times, including those for Foundation Stage children, can be found by clicking here.
Question: What if I have a concern about my child?
Your child's teacher will be happy to talk to you about any issues which you may have. However, we suggest you speak to the office staff first and make an appointment, so that you can meet at mutually convenient time.
Question: How much are school lunches?
All children in Key Stage 1 are entitled to a free school meal.
School meals for Key Stage 2 children cost £2.50 per day / £12.50 per week. All meals should be paid for in advance, with payments made on ParentPay by/before Monday morning.
Please speak to the office staff if you need to access login details for ParentPay.
Question: Does school have a family support worker?
Yes, Ellen Kelliher is Whitemoor's Family Support Worker.
Listed below are some of the issues Ellen can help with:
- Support managing your child’s behaviour
- Housing issues
- Debt concerns
- Accessing benefits
- Secondary transfer forms
- General advice about your child’s well-being
- If Ellen can't help you directly, she can signpost you to the relevant information/support agencies who will be able to assist you.
Please speak to the school office if you wish to make an appointment with Ellen.