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Spanish (Language Angels)


We teach Spanish as part of the National Curriculum for Languages. Our Spanish curriculum is based on the Language Angels scheme of work (Years 3 to 6). 

At Whitemoor, we want to establish a relevant, broad, vibrant and ambitious MFL curriculum that will inspire and excite our pupils using a wide variety of topics and themes. We aim that our curriculum will encourage pupils to feel able and motivated to continue with their learning of languages beyond Key Stage 2. The four key language skills: listening, reading, writing and grammar will be taught throughout Key Stage 2. We also hope that learning a second language will allow the exploration of cultural differences. 


In Key Stage 2 the key aims are:

  • Children have weekly Spanish lessons.
  • Lessons include a mix of listening, reading, writing and grammar skills.
  • Spanish vocabulary is embedded during other times, such as writing the date in Spanish and displaying Spanish vocabulary in the classroom.
  • To celebrate achievements and raise the profile of Spanish, each class will have a ‘language learner of the week’ who will be introduced in celebration assemblies.
  • When appropriate, Spanish national celebrations will be celebrated in school to enhance the learning about Spanish culture.
  • We have a 'language of the term' where all children in school are exposed to another foreign language e.g. Greek.