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Tournament Result – Thursday 17th May – Y5/6 High Five Netball COUNTY FINALS

For the fourth (yes that's correct... the fourth!) year in a row, Whitemoor's High 5 Netball team represented Nottingham City at county level. 


Like before, the courts at Emmanuel Secondary School were the host venue for this County Final. During a highly competitive evening of Netball, our Year 5s and Year 6s played against schools from across Nottinghamshire - all of whom were of an excellent standard. 


Unfortunately, the odd result went against us, so we did not make it through to the semi-final stage. Despite this, all the teachers and parents present on the night were so incredibly proud of the team's attitude and effort.  


As Miss Proud and Mrs Hall reminded the team as they trudged off the courts - to have kept up Whitemoor's impressive record of winning the City Finals every year since 2016 is something which they should treasure forever. 


Our Y5/6 County Netball Finalists were as follows: Sophie H, Sahnairi P, Kamara J, Nevaya P, Aiden L, Mason T and Natijah L.

