Tournament Result – Monday 27th June – Y5/6 Badminton
Yesterday, we took part in the School Sport Nottingham Badminton tournament - for the first time in nearly four years! Having won this event in both 2011 and 2012, expectations were set high.
The boys and girls representing Whitemoor played brilliantly and showed great team work, despite limited practise; the boys even more so as one player dropped out the day before due to a secondary school transition event.
After a series of round robin matches, points were added together to give final totals… Unfortunately, Whitemoor's combined total was only high enough to place us in fifth position.
A big well done to the boys and girls involved though as they competed with determination and maximum effort throughout the tournament.
Our Y5/6 Badminton team consisted of: Lynden J, Jawaad S, Mia G and Savita A.