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Tournament Result - Y6 Mega Festival

This afternoon, for what was the third year in a row, we took part in the Year 6 version of School Sport Nottingham's 'Mega Festivals'. 


As ever, the aim of the festival was to provide a greater number, and wider range, of pupils with the experience of competing in inter-school sports. This was certainly the case today as Whitemoor entered two teams (totalling 11 children in all). 


After everyone had taken part in a mass warm-up, each team rotated around different sports and activities; including Handball, Urban Hockey, New Age Kurling and Relay Races.


Both our teams should be very proud of their efforts over the course of the afternoon. Although no medals were awarded, we hope the event inspired the children to continue to engage with sport – both this year and when they go on to secondary school.


Our Y6 Mega Festival teams were made up of: Ali C, Italee P, Leigha S, Zakiah R, Tayah P, Michaela C, Sana Q, Peter S, Lewis N, Hayder I and Anas I.

