Tournament Result - Y5/6 Sportshall Athletics Semi Finals
Earlier this afternoon, our Y5/6 Sportshall Athletics team took part in the semi-finals of this event, held at Harvey Hadden Sports Village.
This time around, the opposition we faced was of a much higher calibre, with the original 32 schools (who entered at the heats stage) being whittled down to only 12 at this stage.
Whitemoor were not phased by this challenge however - competing with maximum effort and determination in all their events (covering sprinting, jumping and throwing). In the end, their hard work was rewarded as they finished in the top 3 thus qualified for the finals on Tuesday 18th December - same place, same time!
Congratulations to all involved, especially as this was the first time Whitemoor's Y5/6 pupils had reached the finals in many a year!
Our Y5/6 Sportshall Athletes were: Natijah L, Kyan N, Shalom-Chris O, Travae R, Alessandro C, Sam W, Tyrai W, Tyler C, Cruz S, Arnav N, Mariah-Lace A, Jaylah C, Christine S, Aliny T, Vina R, Megan H, Inez W, Kuleni S and Ticianny M.