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Tournament Result - Y5/6 Handball Finals

Earlier today, Whitemoor competed in yet another grand finals - this time it was as part of the Y5/6 Handball tournament. 


Following our very impressive performance in the heats, which included a 100% win record, our team were confident of bringing home a medal come close of play. 


During the afternoon, our children began to realise that the opposition were much tougher this time around. This meant even greater effort and team work was required - which duly followed from all! 


After a number of impressive wins, the odd draw and one loss - a solid points total was achieved. Unfortunately, this was 2 points short of the gold medal and 1 point short of the silver and bronze medals. 


Team Whitemoor should be proud of their achievements however. On a different day they could have quite easily come out on top. 


Our Y5/6 Handball team for the finals was: Alyssia N, Katie A, Samya F, Kuleni S, Minky D, Sienna H, Zenai C, Ticianny M, Lewis C, Ruben K, Tyrai E, Jahmar C, Sam W, Lucas S and Harley J.

