Tournament Result - Y5 Mega Festival
Earlier this afternoon, the third of four 'Mega Fests' took place, held in the impressive setting of Harvey Hadden Sports Village.
The aim of these festivals is to: 1) engage more children in physical activity and 2) provide opportunity for all children to take part in competitive sports. Like with the Y3 'Mega Fest' and the Y6 'Mega Fest' - Whitemoor exceeded these aims, bringing not one but two teams to the event.
The pupils lucky enough to be picked for today's festival had a great time and loved playing sports as part of a team, showing off their skills in a competitive yet enjoyable environment. A big well done to all the boys and girls involved!
Our Y5 Mega Fest teams were made up of: Katie A, Sunil S, Zoya A, Hamnah S, Pavel K, Zaynab S, Andrei S, Nico G, Sidrah R and Riley D.