Tournament Result - Y4/5 Dodgeball Festival
Earlier this afternoon, Whitemoor travelled over to Harvey Hadden Sports Village, ready to compete in one of two Y4/5 Dodgeball Festivals.
As was the case last year, no results were recorded (not formally anyway!) and therefore no medals were on offer for the schools taking part.
Despite the fact medal positions weren't at stake, Whitemoor's played with great intensity and determination. In fact, we didn't experience a single loss - beating every school that we came up against (thanks some excellent attacking and defending).
Well done to all the players involved in today's event - you competed superbly well and acted as brilliant sports men and women at all times!
Our Y4/5 Dodgeball team was made up of: Lucas S, James C, Mohammed Subhan H, Jahmar C, Makeda M, Jaxon C and Lily E.