Tournament Result - Y2 Infant Agility Festival
Earlier today, the second of our Y2 classes travelled over to Lee Westwood Sports Centre (in Clifton), ready to compete in the Infant Agility Festival.
As was the case last Tuesday, the event was organised and run by NTU Sports Coaching Degree Students, with the aim of the event remaining the same: to provide pupils with an introduction to multi-skills activities.
At the start of the afternoon, Team Whitemoor were split into three groups: tigers, elephants and rhinos - with each child wearing a mask to represent their animal, and therefore who they were competing for.
Following this, our ‘animals’ got to participate in lots of different games and activities, such as relay races and stuck in the mud. Some of these events provided the Y2s with their first experience of inter-school sports, as they played against other Nottingham City schools.
A massive congratulations to all the children involved – you represented Whitemoor brilliantly due to your first-class effort and enthusiasm.
The class full of Y2 pupils who attended today's Infant Agility Festival were: Millah B, Nyah B, Jack B, Michael C, Charles C, Ellie-Mae C, Poppy-May C, Oliver H, Abdullah J, Aziz J, Raja J, Aisha K, Amelia K, Hawa K, Cianna K, Karamjiit L, Tyrese M, Maya M, Sonia N, Tobi N, Kai N, Danise N, Oganiru O, Paris R, Joshua S, Aarv S, Maison W, Nyla W, Ellis W and Ruqayyah Z.