Tournament Result – Wednesday 14th June – Y4/5 Quad Athletics Heats
On Wednesday afternoon, 10 pupils from Whitemoor traveled over to Harvey Hadden Stadium to compete in the annual Y4/5 Quad Athletics tournament.
All the athletes (five boys and five girls from each school) competed in a 50m race, 400m race, standing long jump and howler vortex throw. The children's scores from these events were added together, with the only the three highest point scoring schools making it out of the heats.
The Whitemoor athletes were fantastic throughout – displaying a truly impressive array of skills. Amazingly, we scored enough points to finish in 2nd place, and therefore made it through to the finals in a couple of weeks time.
In particular, a huge congratulations to Sahnairi whose incredible personal score was the third highest score of the day!
The Y4/5 Quad Athletics Team were made up of: Sahnairi P, Neveya P, Sophie H, Kamara J, Jonelle T, Shalom-Chris O, Ramadan R, Brian D, Carnell T and Elhadi M.