Tournament Result – Thursday 17th May – Y3/4 Mini-Tennis Red Heats
Last week, we ventured over to the Nottingham Tennis Centre to compete in the Y3/4 Tennis tournament. This was one of two heats, with only six of the sixteen teams present going through to the finals in June.
Whitemoor's two teams (each made up of two boys and two girls) played 28 matches in total; with individual victories, draws and losses being combined together to give an overall score against each school.
Our children played some brilliant tennis of the course of these matches, competing admirably against the likes of Sycamore, Southwark, Claremont, Southglade, Scotholme, Welbeck and Bulwell St Mary's.
Come the end of the tournament, it was revealed that not only had our A team qualified for the finals (topping their group with 6 wins and a draw), but also our B team had too. What an amazing achievement for all our budding Tennis players!
Today's Y3/4 Tennis team were made up of: Shay A, Alyssia N, Bhakti G, Kuleni S, Reuben K, Abdullah T, Areeb A and Subham H.