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Tournament Result – Monday 30th January – Y3/4 Sportshall Athletics Heats

Yesterday morning, we traveled a short distance up to Ellis Guilford to compete in the first round of the Y3/4 Sportshall Athletics event. If the children were to be successful they would then reach the semi-finals and hopefully then the finals. 


Over the course of the morning, the children took part in running, jumping and throwing events against a number of other schools from across the City. Some impressive scores were recorded in individual events, however dropping the baton in both relay events ended up costing us dearly! 


When the points were totaled, we knew only four out of the eight schools present would qualify, but unfortunately Whitemoor were not one of them. Although the children did not progress to the semi-finals, they performed amazingly well and for several athletes, this was their first time representing Whitemoor in any competition. 


Our Y3/4 Sports Hall Athletics team were: Italee P, Farrah M, Christine S, Tayah P, Ruby-Lea M, Megan H, Mariah-Lace A, Jaylah C, Inez W, Guveer L, Alyssia B, Bilal A, Chrisopher V, Peter S, Hugo K, Kyan N, Natijah L, Rajan S, Shalom-Chris O, Travae R and Dijourn M.

