Tournament Result – Monday 21st November – KS2 Multi Sports
Yesterday afternoon, some lucky Year 6 children got the chance to compete in a multi sports competition, held at Ellis Guilford Secondary School.
Due to the fact we could walk to the host venue, we took a team of ten children with us – many of whom had never represented Whitemoor in a sports event before. It was fair to say there was a certain amount of nervousness as we stepped foot in Ellis' sports hall.
These nerves soon turned to excitement though – with the children getting to take part in a range of events, such as relay races, Dodgeball and Kurling (in a 20 minute tournament format). The emphasis of all these events was on enjoyment and inclusiveness, so was great to see our team cheering each other on throughout the afternoon.
Our Y6 Multi Sports team was made up of: Faizan M, Troy B, Omaima H, Lauren F, Sophie B, Daniel T, Hooria M, Dominic C, Simon W and Maria R.