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Whitemoor Gain Gold Quality Mark Again!

This morning we were delighted to be informed that Whitemoor had (once again!) been awarded the 'Gold Quality Mark' by the Youth Sport Trust. 


Due to coronavirus restrictions, a YST Development Manager wasn't able to visit school to validate our self-review; however, much evidence was gathered during a lengthy Zoom meeting with Mr Jackson and Mr Bevington.


The findings from this virtual meeting included: "Wider partnership working and effective collaborations with a range of partner organisations in support of PE and school sport provision is a key factor in the depth of the opportunities on offer in curriculum, competitive sport and across the whole school. Partner organisations have provided a range of testimonies reflecting the impact of these relationships."


As well as: "A key area of strength for the school is a truly embedded vision for PE, school sport and physical activity, that is reflected in the wider objectives for the school and Trust. This vision is understood by senior leader, staff, governors and Trustees, and pupils alike, and the school is driven forward to seek improvements for all pupils in pursuit of this vision."


A massive thanks to all those named above. Not only have you helped Whitemoor be recognised in an incredibly positive way, you've also ensured our reputation for providing outstanding PE, school sport and physical activity continues to grow!

