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Competition Result - Y1/2 Key Step Gymnastics

Earlier today it was turn of our Y2s to take part in the ‘Key Step’ Gymnastics competition, once again held in Ellis Guilford’s sports hall.


After weeks and weeks of after-school practice, where routines were performed to Mr Jackson many times, our children now got chance to do this to a much bigger audience!


They did so incredibly well - showing amazing skill and bravery whilst balancing, rolling, and jumping in front of so many people.


When the top five point scores were added together, Team Whitemoor found out they had unluckily missed out on a medal placing this year.


However, all of the boys and girls involved should be very proud of their efforts. We are in no doubt that, come Y3/4, they’ll be bringing home medals for Whitemoor.


Our Y1/2 Gymnastics superstars were: Ruby-Jade C, Nyla W, Jake M, Sonia N, Jadeanna P and Lilly-Rose C.

