Competition Result – Monday 27th March – Y5/6 Climbing
Yesterday evening, eleven lucky Year 6 pupils got the opportunity to take part in Hollygirt's inter-school climbing competition, held here in Basford. This annual event is now in its third year, with Whitemoor children being invited for the second time in a row.
Like last year, the other teams present were a mix of private schools (Hollygirt and Nottingham High) and state schools (Southwark and Our Lady of Perpetual Succour). As you can imagine, this mix of children meant there were a number for whom climbing was a weekly activity, and therefore the competition was of a very high standard.
During the event, points were awarded based on how far each child had traversed along a low wall, added to points from how high they climbed up three walls of varying difficulty (some of which were very high!).
Whilst Whitemoor did not get into the top places, it's fair to say that every member of the team displayed maximum effort and achieved some great scores along the way.
Our Y6 Climbing teams (three in all) were made up of: Troy B, Mason N, Alfie G, Owen S, Jordan C, Teegan A, Thomas W, Olivia G, Kelsey W, Aisha A and Laila H.