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Tournament Result - KS2 Boccia Championships Heats

Earlier this afternoon, Whitemoor took part in the annual Key Stage 2 Boccia Championships (for what was our third year in a row). 


Boccia is a sport aimed at those with physical disabilities, which was reflected in the selection of some of our team. The other children who made up this team had cognition or social/emotional needs. 


Due to the popularity of this event, two heats were put on, with only the top four schools from each heat qualifying for the finals. It was so popular in fact that we weren't able to enter two teams - as we'd done in the previous two years.


Thankfully, the super six representing Whitemoor won every single one of their games, thus made it through to the next round. This will be held at Harvey Hadden once again, on Monday 16th March.


Our team for the heats of the Boccia event was: Kyle W, Ife O, Daniel S,  Chantae B, Jai B and Logan H.

